May 1, 2011

They regulate how people police themselves

Richard Grove

08/13'10 PR podcast episode six) The intellectual elite vs. you

Where the British monarchy claims to ...

@ 41 min – Rich) Who was Cecil John Rhodes?
Once upon a time there was this gentleman named William T. Stead who later dies on the Titanic. And William T. Stead invented something called the interview where one person asks another person questions. [...] William T. Stead happened to publish several books as part of his role as a journalist bringing information to people, and one of the books he published was called "The last will and testament of Cecil John Rhodes. With elucidatory notes to which are added some chapters describing the political and religious ideas of the testator" edited by William T. Stead. Very fancy title. And I heard about this book like it was some kind of myth. And I went out and sought the book [...] I wanted to obtain a copy for myself, so I looked for this book for several years.
I happened to come across a copy that I bought through this book exchange that happens to be the actual copy owned by William T. Stead, sold to me by the guy who bought William T. Stead's entire archive as Stead was the editor of a thing called the Review of Reviews this magazine of the elite.
So the gentleman I purchased this book from owned the entire archives, all the library of the Review of Reviews, and he said, this is William T. Stead's actual copy of the book. I was very excited when I got this in the mail.
So, take it out, we'll be careful. It's printed in 1902 [...]
This a book that we are about to re-publish and re-release to the public because I think it contains some of the most important words in the free world. [...] That's the first edition. And, as you can see, several pages are in Cecil Rhodes' own handwriting. This is Cecil John Rhodes in his own words, he says:

"Please remember the key of my idea discussed with you is a Society, copied from the Jesuits as to organisation, the practical solution a differential rate and a copy of the U.S. Constitution."

According to Rhodes' last will and testament, the mandate is to set forth a secret society to be funded by his wealth as the De Beers diamond magnate and creator of Rhodesia to create a secret society based on the tenets, and the structure, and the organizational know-how of the Jesuits, but instead of being for Catholic aims it's for the expansion and world domination of the British Empire under the idea of something called British Israelism, where the British monarchy claims to be related to characters from the early Bible.
Rhodes says on page 73:

"What an awful thought it is that if we had not lost America, or if even now we could arrange with the present members of the United States Assembly and our House of Commons, the peace of the world is secured for all eternity! We could hold your federal parliament five years at Washington and five at London. The only thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one (a society) gradually absorbing the wealth of the world to be devoted to such an object."

Which is world domination or a new world order.
And for anyone who doubts how the N.W.O. or this idea of a one world government that's not elected, an elite ruling class, taking care of all the business of the world and just basically giving you a feeder that let you think that it is over your own choosing, when really it's through mechanism of propaganda and continuous bombardment with these ideas telling you what to think instead of teaching you how to think.
If anyone has any of those doubts you can look into a teacher from Georgetown University named Carroll Quigley who is the mentor of Rhodes scholar William Jefferson Clinton who was also happened to be President of the United States. Now, Quigley was a teacher in [Edmund A. Walsh] Georgetown School of Foreign Service, and in his last lecture a couple of weeks before he died he had this to say:

"Another thing which may serve to point out the instability of the power system of the state:
The individual cannot be made the basic unit of society, as we have tried to do, or of the state, since the internalization of controls must be the preponderant influence in any stable society."

He goes on to say talking about this internalization of controls that basically they can't control all the people on the planet through shock weapons and through physical man-to-man combat, so what they have to do is effectively use propaganda and the media to kind of control people's ideas: when they control basically how people police themselves.

And he describes in his last lecture that the military-industrial complex and the media-industrial complex have combined forces, because they realized that neither one could control the population by itself.
So they kind of merged and conglomerated their forces so that they have a strategic and comprehensive system of control, which effects you in a variety of ways throughout each and every day of your lifes.
Because they're privatizing water, there's companies like Monsanto that's poisoning your food by these groups, prohibiting green solutions that had been used for thousands of years like hemp, and standardizing us on a poisonous petrochemical carbon-emitting system.
The corporations that are running the 500 largest moving vehicles on this planet to transport things back and forth emit more carbon than all cars on the earth. So when you're talking about things like Global Warming, whether or not that exists, the point will be that even if Global Warming is grounded in suspicion as to whether or not it's real, the reality is: the creation of an artificially obsolescent culture where we're producing more and more garbage, more and more pollution, these things do build up, that is a problem, but it's not being done by the individuals and it's not something that's happened by accident. This is been in their plans since 1967 in the first documents that I've seen, that successfully predict that we can cause a global warming stir. We can get people who get concerned about their environment, but in 1917 they were predicting that they would need to do like a generation to a generation and a half of heavy heavy pollution before we would even become reliable that people could believe that.

So what you have here in Quigley's body of work is "The Evolution of Civilizations" ("This is the bible of historical analysis.") which gives you the history of Maritime Admiralty Law, the use of commerce as a control mechanism to subvert populations without ...
The old way of war, the old form of war was to go and actually conquer your enemy and they knew you conquer them. The new form of war started 6000 years ago was to subvert your enemy through controlling their commerce. And once you control commercial activity you can leave the puppet government in place.
So when the Carthaginians took over Rome, for instance, you don't see evidence of the Carthaginians in their actually managing Rome. The people who controlled the economy that took over the Carthaginians and then went and conquered other countries veil themselves through the ubiquity of commerce.
Because you are born into the status quo, and money is always been here, and the people around you usually don't define it for you, and unless you go and look for yourself and define it than it's just this thing like, you know, fish can't notice the water because it was always surrounded by the water. But every now and then you see a fish that goes and jumps out of the water: 'Hey what was that? I went out of this and came back into it, so there is something else there.' We must be surrounded by this thing all the time.

And so in Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment we have him explaining on top of the evolution of civilization: here is the modernized form, here is what's going on. Here is the people that are running the world. Here is how they promised Palastine to three different groups of people at the same time. Here is why they gave it to a certain group of people and here is [...] and now when understanding World War One and WW II you're prepared for Quigley's masterpiece, his magnum opus "Tragedy and Hope – A History of the World in Our Time".

The Tragedy and Hope "Bible",
the most tremendously powerful and paradigm changing body of facts –

a heavy book, 1300 pages:
you could read it and read it and read it over and over and over again

Now had they just taught this one simple book to me in college I could have saved thousands and thousands of hours of reading. But the fact is that this book for years was not available to the general public, that the plates were destroyed. They tried to suppress it every which way and still, 40 years later, it stands as the premier work of American history and the history of the Western world. Because what's in this book comes from Carroll Quigley, the Georgetown professor, spending 20 years in compiling this history, and two years among the CFR's private archives, which tells you the story of the 20th century.
And so having been so close to these groups and being able to put this body of work together and to lay out the history that's not taught to us at our schools, I thought it was the most tremendously powerful and paradigm changing body of facts, all put together in context such that you can understand.
And it's a heavy book, 1300 pages: you could read it and read it and read it over and over and over again until you see how these things blend together and it makes a lot of sense, because it's filling in all the blindspots that's provided through our traditional education.

Liberal education disappeared 150 years ago

@ 60 min – Rich) "The Great Conversation" is the first book in a 54-volume series printed in 1953, and the key author that put that altogether is a gentleman named Robert Hutchins.

"This private library edition of great books of the Western world was originally made possible 1952 by the generous support of the subscribers to the founder's edition."

Now, I was interested through the founder's edition who were these 500 bright-minded people, and you got people like David Ben-Gurion, you got the Rockefellers, you got the Vanderbilts, you got Edward Bernays [...]
Who's Who – these books were made for the elite to teach themselves, to teach their children the things that they won't even put out in a public university. And unless you go to certain Prep schools, or certain Ivy League schools, or join certain mystery schools like the Freemasons, or the Rosecrucians, or any number of ancient mystery schools that are out there, the only way to get this education is to a) know about it and b) go/set about reading "The Great Conversation", because what we have is something called "The Tradition of the West". And everything we see around us comes from some place. Even the pillars on buildings, those come from thousands of years of architectural tradition.
So our words, and our ideas, and our ways of persuasive speech are much the same way.

In Chapter IV rather Hutchins goes into "The Disappearance of Liberal Education" – I'm not trying to read that, but it's interesting. What I want to get into is Chapter X, "A Letter to the Reader". There he says:

"We say that these books contain a liberal education and that everyone ought to try to get one.
You say that either you have had one, or that you are not bright enough to get one, or that you do not need one."

And this is where Hutchins had me when he says:

"You cannot have had one.
If you're an American under the age of ninety, you can have acquired in the educational system only the faintest glimmerings of the beginnings of a liberal education."

So in 1952, Robert Hutchins, who had been on the cover of Time Magazines like three times in his life time, he's saying that the liberal education has been taken out of our education system for ninety years.
He's telling you in 1952 that for ninety years the liberal education has been denied to everybody in America.
What we look like if you took away the ability to think critically from the American population for ninety years before 1952 and then just picture what happened since 1952 ... Because until recently I haven't heard too much talk about the liberal education or what it even means to be able to understand the words of Homer, and Aristotle, and Plato, all the way up through Thomas Malthus and all these ... This is the N.W.O.'s education, this is were they get their ideas, they're not getting them from the public school system. So unless we go and learn and read the books that they read and understand where they're trying to take everything, we can continue to guess everyday as the newspapers tell us one thing on this page and another thing on this page just to confuse us. They're looking for a zero-sum game. It's like you're confused, that's all they want.
They're not looking to purvey information or share knowledge through that system.

Liberal education what it is, it's all the works of Western culture's literature in chronological order, because as writers progressed ... let's say you have Aristotle and he has read the work of Plato and Socrates and Homer. And by the time you get to Dante he has read every one before him.
So, you know, it's the continued chiming in of intellect throughout history: all talking about the same things. Because look, Plato was talking about the republic 2500 years ago is exactly what's going on today.

The Fabian Strategy

@ 68 min – Rich) However, at this point in the early 20th century, you got people participating in the consequences of Cecil Rhodes's Last Will and Testament, that being the round table work groups, which were then spun up into the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the CFR, which is the North American extension of Cecil Rhodes's legacy. At the same time they created groups like Tavistock in order to control people's public opinion about the upcoming war with Germany, and after the war managing what people were to think of the situation created by the Versailles Treaty. The interesting thing about these Fabian Socialists, and this is easy enough to gooooogle, the Fabian Socialists' emblem – their avatar, if you will – was a wolf in sheep's clothing. And there's actually pictures of stained-glass windows where the Fabian Socialists were standing on either side and they're pounding the world with these big hammers. And they are talking about shaping it into the image that they're picturing for the world. And when you have an emblem that is a wolf in sheep's clothing that's very telling, but if you do another gooooogle search and search out who is Fabius, where does Fabian Socialism come from, you will learn that Fabius became a Roman dictator, because Hannibal was threatening Rome, and the Roman people panicked, and he said I can stop Hannibal, and he did. He did this through a war of attrition, which was a long, prolonged, drawn-out war where you're denying the other side of the resources and needs to exist. This then became the philosophy of the Fabian Socialists who then domineered the 20th century in their image.

Propaganda is everywhere. Every documentary, every film you've ever seen is a piece of propaganda, technically, because it's trying to propagate a view, it's trying to propagate certain pieces of information. It may claim to be objective, It may actually be near that goal, but at the end of the day, every single piece of media is a piece of propaganda. The only question is, is it helping you to expand your consciousness or is it working to suppress your consciousness? Is it helping you to express who you are or is it working to suppress and tell you who you are?