"Hochschulen und Universitäten betreibt der Orden weltweit 231."
"Today, the Company of Jesus owns exactly 231 institutions of higher education globally."
Recently specified by the new elected Provincial for Germany, Denmark and Sweden, Stefan Kiechle SJ, himself.
But it's not only about the sheer amount of their cadre training units and that no other organization generates a slightly comparable constant stream of international managerial staff for all social sectors and the main bureaucratic institutions of our culture, our whole beloved shepherd-sheep college education system is a Jesuit design. They invented it, they are ruling it.
Like Ken Robinson in his famous "TED Talk" "Do schools kill creativity?" pointed out:
Weishaupt and Quigley were among those top scholars for the entire system of public knowledge."If you were to visit education, as an alien, and say 'What's it for, public education?' I think you'd have to conclude – if you look at the output, who really succeeds by this, who does everything that they should, who gets all the brownie points, who are the winners – I think you'd have to conclude the whole purpose of public education throughout the world is to produce university professors. Isn't it? They're the people who come out the top."
Maybe we should ask one of the highest initiated "fatherly" "Professe" (fully professed Jesuits) of our stateless Knights of Jesus for what J.T. Gatto precisely means with "The Psychopathology of Schooling" ...
His lecture begins with:
Furthermore one could ask our leading culture creators in which way John Trudell's statement, that from a priestly perspective all sorts of arranged hot and cold wars were first and foremost about the possession of souls, corresponds with Gatto's shocking diagnose."One of the really useful pieces of research that I've been engaged in for the past eleven or twelve years is studying the eighteen or twenty elite private boarding schools that set the tone for approximately three hundred such schools and produce a substantial junk of our national leadership. I don't think there are many people aware of the fact that four of the six finalists for the presidency in the 2000 presidential election went to one or another of these schools. George Bush went to Andover, John McCain went to Episcopal High, Steve Forbes went to Brook, and Al Gore went to Saint Albans.
These schools only graduate about a thousand kids a year.
This is a nation of three hundred million and yet four of the six finalists for the presidency attended schools that only graduate a thousand a year.
So I thought there might be some () in finding out what these schools teach as opposed to what public schools teach. And that job proved to be much easier than I thought. So I'd like to share with you the fourteen principles that I discovered that are universal among these schools. Even though each is quite a different animal than the next, they all concentrate on these fourteen themes.
The first of these themes is that no kid should graduate without a theory of human nature."
"In fact, your colonization has by now been consolidated to such an extent that [...] you no longer even see yourselves as having been colonized. The result is that you've become self-colonizing, conditioned to be so self-identified with your own oppression. That you've lost your ability to see it for what it is, much less to resist it in any coherent way. [...] See how you got civilized because terrible things happened. [...] because they created irrationalization [...]
And at some point the descendants of the tribes of Europe no longer knew what it meant to be a human being. They just didn't know and they didn't want to know.
In the end, they had to love what they feared, which was there to possess them."
The noble lie is whatever mechanism is able to keep people in mental prisons
With the aid of the following excellent piece of a conspiratorially interpreted psychopathically-driven elitist system of a social order I finally want to try to show at which point a so-called piety theory categorically begins to stand out from the conspiracy mainstream. A crucial step that has to be done because the highest goal of the whole "9/11" terror propaganda is, in my opinion, to dominate all conspiracy talk that's going on in cyberspace.
Sucessfully executed down to the present day.
Bob) Wow, that's a lot to put on our shoulders – man, Jesus! Can we do it?
Let's take a deep breath after all that. Alright folks, if you're listening take a deep breath with us and then we're gonna get deep here. So, stand by: one, two, three, deep breath, and ... here we go. Paul, where do we start?
Paul) Well, if people want to know, you know, what's really going on they should check out "What you've been missing – The Noble Lie." The noble lie is this ideal that represents the N.W.O. which is essentially the few controlling the many through mental relevant difficult means and perpetuating this idea that the noble lie is whatever mechanism is able to keep people in mental prisons.
And you'll find that [...] socialism perpetuate this noble lie through both religion and the political system and those ideals combined, formerly, what people would refer to as the N.W.O.
So people going around blaming the Masons, the Jesuits, the Zionists, the Catholics ... they don't realize that it's the idea of itself that () the N.W.O. And it's made up of many many pieces just like [...] they're all suspects. And guess what? They're all guilty. They all did it. [...] by recognizing that it's a mentality, it's called psychopathy. And psychopathy, whether it's () mind control or somebody is natural born somehow as a psychopath, they will be attracted to certain position that allow them power and control, and other psychopaths will recognize these people and are trying to bring them up through maybe secret societies or think tanks, or political structures, but the end result is the same.
Bob) It's an in-place system that's been there for thousands of years, folks. This is something ...
We have to realize the Henry Paulsons, the Rothschilds, whoever – these guys die. They live their lives and they die. And what continues are the slavery based, debt based ideals – this system that we currently live in and that we're trying to break free from. And that's why I consider myself to be an activist before talk radio host. You know, I don't do the show because I want to, quite frankly, I do the show because I have to.
Because there is a need to get this information out.
This mentality with its ideals, its history and its daily appearance, its different characteristics and everything else belonging to it is exactly the field of research for a piety scientist.
Or let's better call it a piety investigator, because the business of scientists (technicians) is along the lines of the business of priests (politicians) with their theoretical dogmas regimented by positivist paradigms which I am not.
To put this new non-conspiratorial perspective into one little sentence at the beginning I want to make it clear that for me the ("9/11") mafia mentality doesn't restrict itself to the occult circles and open companies of the initiates. Initiates like "the Henry Paulsons, the Rothschilds" and their brothers amd sisters in mind.
They are just the source from which every citizen is drinking ...
When I was wondering several days ago about how far the common mafia mentality or servile spirit would be spread without Roman Christianism I was also referring to the notion that intelligence and sensibility, respectively the lack of it in form of willful ignorance and joyful stupidity are what matters not necessarily secrecy.
Secrecy is important too, of course, but its role is overrated on purpose.
Now, Paul seems to believe that psychopathology would be the explanation for all the major shenanigans and discrepancies in the history of western culture as well as in our daily life and that the essence of this type of society, this way of living together contains a considerable strategic amount of mental illness and distress which is consciously being kept high. High enough. And if we take Mr. Gatto's analysis seriously, the consequence would be that through the Jesuit type of public education almost everybody is infected with what in its purest form, in the sense of its name giver, is called loyalty. Blind obedience.
So we are all more or less psychopaths and therefore, psychopathic behaviour is the order of the day.
Alright, let's assume they both are right and "9/11" or the "Holocaust" would then be some kind of thermometer or barometer for the current level of psychopathology in society. What would that mean?
And how could that help to find a solution for – in the words of Bob – breaking free from this system? I think, it is not that difficult as it may seem. I mean breaking this system of mutual contempt remains a horribly complicated project but as impossible as it may appear at this point of time, just under ten years of the main attack on the part of the Kafkaesque bureaucracy, is it probably not. And the reason for this lies in the nature of what's called piety or in few simple words, how cults become cultures.
Contrary to Paul's point of view, I believe that the mentality that he speaks of has a greater complexity than simply describing it as psychopathic. I would even say it is terra incognita in its most parts. And the biggest trick that's been applied by the piety players for centuries and millennia is that they are able to let the villains of the deepest dye look like kind of mankind's biggest benefactors. Or would you call these gentlemen here psychopaths?
To be of some good in their lifes – what does that say about the theory of human nature that they graduated with?"I think people need Jesuits.
I think that people hunger for the Society of Jesus to be of some good in their lifes."
Richard's "there will always be blindspots" in other words means that believing is one of the most human things: Nobody can know everything, so everybody has to navigate and to decide what's real and what's not.
This central circumstance of life makes pieties as practical results of certain belief systems to a major major subject.
Now, the research paradigm of the conspiracy rhetoric let lots of questions unanswered. Mainly because of their strict focus on the primarily "evil elites".
In principle, Richard and friends behave like anybody else who thinks in conspiratorial terms, with the big difference of consequently using the classic method of the trivium to move forward in comparison to plain conjurors of "the conspiracy" like Webster Tarpley or Alex Jones, including all their apologists on the national level in Europe and anywhere else, or unfortunately also Eric Jon Phelps and many others.
"What's important is having a process to deal with all of this, because it gives you serenity of mind" is Richard's beautiful way to mark and define his basic frontline. Another important ingredient for the success of this process comes from Mr. Vatican Assassins: "We are friends, we all sharpen us by correcting us ..." Because when it comes to gaming what matters most is being able to compete on a higher level. And this is valid for the culture creators' side as well as for "piety theorists". That is why the ordinary Jesuit military monk goes through fifteen years of basic training before he's allowed to join the company.
So it's all about sharpening one's own understanding in a serene but also passionate manner to raise intellectual awareness against the cultural mega frauds and their everyday ramifications.
What questions should conspiracy researchers be unable to investigate and to clarify?
Well, let's take the elephant in the room first, alright?
Why is it that the herd loves the herdsman via his "fastest nimble sheep"?
Or do you want to call it a conspiracy, for instance, when a General Superior of a corporation ("Chief Executive Officer") doesn't discuss every little aspect of the corporation's politics with its lowest employees?
To say it loud and clear: There are tons of books written about an alleged all-embracing (this is what "catholic" means) conspiracy on the cultural level, but every single one of them is based on a certain belief. Not one book that I know of could be seen as a piety-overarching example. Susan Blackmore's "The Meme Machine" and Mark Buchanans "The Social Atom" are first and very useful steps to a more general and culturally relevant theoretical approach which then would also include things like Jan's comment on the common habitude that expresses itself by declaring "you don't talk about religion or politics" or Solomons Asch's conformity experiments, for example.
One very interesting piety theoretical posing of a question looks like the following: If you, for whatever reasons, do not think as big as our "9/11" strategists do, I mean in the same order of magnitude, the same categories and complexities, you are trapped in a similar conundrum – no, not conundrum, better: a blind alley – you will stay trapped in this shimmering labyrinth of conspiracy talk like they do who cannot bring the required minimum of sensibility and intuition to the table, so to speak, in the first place. They who aren't able to at least rudimentarily think beyond any superficial emergences. In other words: Almost everyone is claiming "the truth" (in German "Wahrheit"), only the more insightful minds concentrate on cognitive abilities in general (in German "Wahrnehmung"). Role models like Mr. "9/11" Synchronicity, Richard Andrew Grove, who once said:
"There is no freedom without cognitive liberty."
And my bone of contention with his Tragedy and Hope project isn't for the main part that it was perfectly jesuitized by Georgetown boy Carroll Quigley but that he is absolutely meticulous in his research regarding the higher ranks of the "monolithic and ruthless" pyramid of power, the old "Shepherd's Fold" as the eternal constant of spiritual political power throughout history of human civilization, which is, of course, totally fantastic, whilst on the other hand all members of the virtual round table for the "Peace Revolution" podcast are extremely vague and nearly unconscious in their statements about the lower non-initiated and non-interested parties.
How will you expect to provide complete explanations by only studying the elites and their wheelings and dealings without exploring at the same time and to the same degree why the citizenry in its entirety (more or less) wants to be like them or to be like the people in television and so forth, you see?
Every reason for the popularity of the columbian corporatocracy has to be uncovered too, because modern central-bank-based solidarism, openly made by Heinrich Pesch SJ, is an offer that is very welcomed by the vast majority of registered voters and consumers. However, the one and only reason for the non-existence of any sort of comprehensive piety theoretical work that I can imagine at his moment is that those specific core aspects, together with all attached implications and directions for further investigations, would take off the system's hinges, would unhinge the whole structure or the whole mixture of belief systems. Because real piety-theoretical research could expose any artificial dialectical dissent and thereby show step by step how they are all one and the same with varied characteristics. Like capitalism and communism are basically identical: both ideologies are actually ideological threads of a more comprehensive ideology, a greater "Big Idea". ("You build castles in the air.")
Richard in the cognitive liberty round-table discussion, PR podcast no. 10:
Podcast no. 15:"If everyone was given full disclosure, nobody would be supporting these people.
And it's only because of this subversion of our education system which is a conditioning system, a confirmative system, and the failure of the media, and the failure for everyone who is consuming this media to think critically. Otherwise they couldn't have control over us. At all."
"If everyone was given full disclosure, nobody would be supporting these people.""We are all trying to lift this veil and that's what apocalypse is. Is the lifting of a veil so you can see what's really going on. And once people see what's really going on for the first time in human history, it's no wonder that the Bible is scared of this apocalypse because their corporation is over. [...] it's no longer gonna be used as a control system in the future once people understand the nature of why words were structured that way, to have people judging each other and have all these crazy words put up there, that purposely put people into conflict and give a very small percentage, one percentage of people on this planet, all the power ..."
I'm not that sure about this conclusion but I know for certain that a debate on this issue would be first and foremost a piety-theoretical thing and not so much a conspiracy-based controversy.
With "once people see what's really going on for the first time in human history [...] once people understand the nature of why words were structured that way ..." he outlines some specifics of the big "otherwise" in "otherwise they couldn't have control over us". This otherwise is new and uncharted territory ("for the first time in human history") and I think we have to explore it with the same energy that we use to make the hidden or esoteric as well as the exoteric propaganda networks of the ruling secret and half-secret societies transparent.
Because "transparency shows democracy that it is none" (political satire on national prime time television, the allmighty media-industrial complex, the citizen's modern church pulpit).
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." Oh sure, but "a conspiracy so monstrous" isn't one anymore.
A conspiracy so monstrous that everyone is in it makes the term "conspiracy" absolutely obsolete, Mr. Hoover.
That is what Mr. Grove means by saying "once people understand why words are structured that way" ...
Because "the conspiracy" is actually us:
conspiring against one another on the basis of one's own favorite little castle of piety.
"Slaves can only be slaves by lack of ability to be able to think.
That's why creating a critical thinking meme, a trivium meme is so important." (Jan Irvin PR # 12 @ 77 min)
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