American Feudal Fiefdoms (10/25'10 Clint Richardson with Dale Williams)
Corporation Nation lopo
Synchronicity Whisperweb
04/01'11 My conversation with Tom
04/11'11 My conversation with Martin – chapter two
04/11'11 Where Walter Burien meets Jon Stewart
@ 37 min) I basically love Walter to death and if you sit there and talk to him you can understand a lot of what he's talking about. I – whether it's a curse or a gift, I don't know – can take something really complicated and turn it into something that anybody can understand.
So, I guess the point of this is just to be able to give it to anybody and say we've got a problem, watch this, trust me, by the time you finish watching this ... I mean, it blows my mind and I'm the one who made it.
All I want to do is inside a peaceful revolution that just simply takes the money back and makes our life so beautiful and a livable quality of life, everybody should be high on the hog right now. There should be no hunger, there should be no taxes, I mean everything is just right there before the taking, but we've got to actually do it.
And, you know, if that's my legacy in life, I would die happy, you know. That's basically my cup of tea here, right? I'm not in this for profit, because profit, you know, all this usury that goes on – that's what interest is, it's usury – every religion in the world is against it, except one of course. You're basically talking about pure, blatant, harsh, horrible usury that's been going on for all this time. And it's so simple to get rid of this. Like I said, these corporations they can just be dissolved. These fonds, these moneys can be taken back. [...]
He's charging also, he is trying to raise money like three dollars a view, which is ridiculously cheap, to actually be able to fund his live, because he's been so beaten down by the government for trying to expose this. And I'm afraid the same thing is gonna happen to me, to be honest, so ... You know, I don't have an agenda, that's the beautiful thing about it, and I don't know if anybody has ever really felt that feeling before to actually do something completely charitable, something completely not for profit, just for the good of their fellow people. I don't think most people can comprehend what that feels like, but I'm imagining a society that is based on that. I'm imagining a society that is based on rewarding employees for honesty and integrity instead of being the best thief. You know, the best of the best of traitors go work for the government, the worst of the worst of them go work for these trading companies like ... anyway. I just want to see things change because the way we're going this whole thing is gonna be over in no time at all and we're gonna have nothing to show for it. We're gonna be a third world country and all this money, and all these corporations that had built up all these fonds, stolen our money, they're already moving out of the country. Corporations are moving out of the country.
@ 42 min) Monsanto is definitely a Fortune 500 company, and what does that mean?
Well, it means government has collective ownership of that company. When Monsanto makes purchase, like it purchases Blackwater, well, guess who approves that purchase? The stockholders, the board of directors who is basically elected by collective government. (11/16'10 "What is JP Morgan Chase?") [...]
In the State of Delaware 60 percent at least, it's probably up by now, but 60 percent of Fortune 500 company and 50 percent of all corporations in the U.S. are incorporated within the State of Delaware, that small little state. The reason is and the reason why most banks are incorporated there is because they have no or very limited usury laws. In other words, the amount of interest that a bank can charge on a credit card is pretty much off-limited in Delaware, whereas in California or some other states they have what's called usury laws. In other words, you can only charge so much interest before it starts becoming a criminal element. Well, the problem is, any corporation that operates outside of the State of Oregon, in other words, anything that's incorporated in Delaware and is a national bank – so they have Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, all have banks in every state – they're still only subject to the laws of Delaware. That's why, even if your state might have usury laws that say you can only charge 9 percent on the credit card, you get a card and all of the sudden you have a 30 percent interest rate, because their laws are based on Delaware laws. That is the definition of a foreign corporation: any corporation that's incorporated in another state and operating inside of your state.
So "foreign corporation" is kind of a misleading term. The other thing is about Delaware is you don't have to be a citizen of the Unites States, of Delaware and you don't even have to give your name, you can be anonymous and start a corporation in Delaware. That's how loose Delaware is, that's why everybody flocks in there. They also don't have to pay income tax, so none of these corporations that were making all this money out of us are paying any income tax because they're only bound by Delaware law even though they're operating in your state. You start to see, you know, there's all these little things like that, you start to see this – I mean, what else can you call it but a conspiracy, right?
Back to the Blackwater thing: Of course, by government proxy the main sharehoulders voted – in other words, government voted – that Monsanto should aquire Blackwater in the future, probably because they're mercenaries. You know, this farmer is planting seeds that are natural and they also have Monsanto seeds, so we must go in and we must destroy him. Because if word gets out that genetically modified seeds are bad and foods are bad, and this farmer over here is selling natural products – no, we gotta do something about this. Everything boils down to this. Why are things that aren't food being sold as food? Why are humans the only animals stupid enough to eat a McDonald's Hamburger bun because it's not food, it's not qualified as food.
You know, Kentucky Fried Chicken had to stop calling their chicken "chicken" because of the way they process their chickens. They cheer them up with so many drugs that it's no longer considered chicken, 'cause more than fifty percent of it are these hormons and fatty tissues that shouldn't be even there even in the first place.
So all of the sudden "Kentucky Fried Chicken" becomes "KFC". But who is regulating this? The government!
So the conflict of interest factor in this all is so astounding you can't even begin to imagine.
So the regulators of Monsanto are government. And then you have Obama hiring Monsanto's main auditor to the FDA, an then he quits the FDA after, you know, he writes a bill at Monsanto, joins the FDA, passes his own bill, and then gets rehired with a lot more money at Monsanto. Governments are the corporations, corporations are the government – there is no fine line here anymore to speak of, because the regulatory body of the corporations is the same people who own through stock investment the corporations.
So nothing is gonna surprise me anymore. Of course Monsanto is gonna buy a private army: they have to enforce all this crazy stuff. Of course the Supreme Court as a government body, as a private corporate body is going to say that companies like Monsanto can patent life, can patent breast cancer. Monsanto has the patent on breast cancer! No one can do research on breast cancer without Monsanto's permission.
So, 40 percent of the gens in your body are now patented by pharmaceutical companies. OK, that's the corporation that did that because it's beneficial to its corporately held stock, you know. The health care bill is another example. The health care bill, "Obama Care", is going to ensure by law that trillions, and trillions, and trillions of dollars go to pharmaceutical and health care companies. What is that mean? That means that their stock investements are gonna go up, up, up. You start to understand what I'm saying, right?
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